热门搜索: 诗歌 诗词 诗经


发布时间:2020-08-04   来源:剧本    点击:   




  1. daytime on campus

  The happy campus enriched every student's smiling face, and the lens swept the faces and figures of the students.

  Close view: Han Shaojie is shooting with a camera.

  MS: a girl is reading a book in his hand, Han Shaojie took the camera to shoot her.

  Daytime by the 2. Lake

  Panorama: Han Shaojie is walking on the side of the lake!

  MS: a pair of lovers are beside the lake dispute.

  Male: (serious road) Iverson, you listen to me......

  Xiao Jie saw that the two men were arguing, and they stopped to see the two men. At the same time, he squatted down and picked up the camera to face the two men.

  Man: it's not what you think! I really,,

  Before the man finished, the woman interrupted the man's next words.

  Woman: ah! Not that way? That is what? Do I see all the fake?

  The woman was about to leave, but was stopped by the man.

  Male: iverson! What I'm talking about is true. It's just a misunderstanding! The truth is not what you think!

  Close-up: the face of the woman and the man's face

  Woman: (looking at the man's eyes), I said, Chen Jie, Chen Jie! Actually, I would rather see your people than me, but I still saw them. You don't have to say anything again! I'm two impossible! (angry)

  It was in the moment when little Jay pressed the shutter (Liu Xing ran over) accidentally hit little Jie, so that the lens of the camera deviated from the track. Resulting in the dislocation of the camera! (Shao Jie takes a special case of a misplaced camera)

  Liu Xing: Oh! Little Jay! There is a basketball game in a moment! Don't bother you! Worshiping (running out in a hurry)

  Little Jay sighed! Look at that pair of men and women! The woman spoke to Xiao Jie: eh! What do you look at? Have you ever seen a quarrel? (after that, the men's hands went away and the men caught up.

  Little Jay walked away!

  3. bedroom evening

  Close Han Shaojie sits at the computer desk and watches the shooting results of the day. When I saw one of them, I was surprised to lean on the front of the computer. A composition on the computer screen is not a good picture.

  Man 2: (coming from behind Jay)! Beauty!

  Man 3: (also come together) is too bad! None of the composition of the composition!

  Shao Jie: talk to your beauty.

  Man 3: is good! Who knows is not a beautiful face? In this year, the beauty of beauty is popular!

  In the computer screen, a girl is painting her picture seriously on the drawing board.

  Recollection: hit by Liu star in the daytime! The camera is biased towards a girl who is painting a picture in the distance. (Quan Jing)

  4. daytime on the grass

  Panoramic view: the girl in the picture is sitting quietly on the grass and painting her picture.

  Close shot: Little Jie sits on the grass and plays with her cell phone. At this time, he saw the girl who painted the picture last time. I'm trying to catch up. Liu Xing walked up from behind and patted little Jie's shoulders.

  Liu Xing: Hey! Little Jay is dry!

  Shao Jie: (looking over is Liu Xing) do you want to frighten me? My idle boredom is everywhere!

  Liu Xing: tell you! The school is going to hold a photo contest! I think you're better, so let's say it to you! In this case, I go first!

  After Liu Xing left, little Jie wanted to search for the girl again, but he found that he had no shadow.

  5. basketball court day

  Panorama: Liu Xing and Jay are playing basketball.

  Shao Jie: (absent-minded) alas! Dying!

  Liu Xing: it's just a little while! Why didn't you eat lunch?

  Liu Xing and Jay are sitting in the basketball court! Liu Xing saw the pictures of less Jay! Take it up.

  Liu Xing: Oh! Let me look at the masterpiece of our photographer. (then look at it)

  Liu Xing: (drew a photo) this one is good. Although the beat is not good! But a person ah! (taking photos to Shao Jie) will not take this game?

  Shao Jie: you said, the last time you bumped into me, I accidentally shot it. (take the picture) it feels good and it's washed out.

  Liu Xing: it's no competition! It's not as good as (robbing a picture) give me!

  Shao Jie: eh! You, the man, the man,

  Liu Xing: no matter! (pick up basketball and beat) play ball,,,!

  6. daytime on the grass

  Prospect: Liu Xing came running from a distance.

  The lens is rocking to the grass! Zhao Yuxin is sitting on the grass painting.

  A panoramic view of Liu Xing: (standing at the side of Yuxin) hey! What are you drawing?

  Turn back Yuxin glanced at Liu Xing, back to her drawing. Liu Xing also sat down in the yuxin.

  Liu Xing: Hello! My name is Liu Xing! Film and Television Arts Department!

  Yuxin: (very indifferently) handsome ah! Hello

  Liu Xing: (took out the photo handed Yuxin eyes), and this is for you,,,!

  Yuxin: (took photos look) you take?

  Liu Xing: Well, it's the same!

  Yuxin: you photographed?

  Liu Xing: (hurriedly) no, no, no! I don't mean it! By chance, by chance! Hey!

  Yuxin: Thank you back to me! (received up to say stuff like)

  Liu Xing: (squatting up) let me help you. (help Yu Xin to collect the painting tools, but Liu Xing accidentally dropped the finished products in the painting. Liu Xing was busy picking up it and having a look. For a moment)

  Liu Xing: eh! Isn't this Xiao Jie? (see Yu Xin did not explain did not open, ready to paint Yu Xin)

  7. bedroom evening

  Take a picture of close range: Yuxin Shaojie portrait! (the camera then pulled to give Yuxin facial features)

  Recollection of the drawing section:

  Close range: drawing on the grass yuxin! The eyes look ahead,,

  Panorama: the front is less Jie Yuxin while filming the two people quarrel is the picture. Yuxin hand brush does not stop the "record" the picture of the hero of the little hero!

  Feature: the paper -- it is our little hero!

  8. roadside seats in the daytime

  Close view: Liu Xing and Jay are sitting on the seat! Look ahead with a dull look!

  Liu Xing: (dull) the weather is so good today! Why doesn't she come out to draw?

  Shao Jie: (look to Liu Xing on the side) who is she?

  Liu Xing: angel!

  Shao Jie: who is an angel?

  Liu Xing: the girl in the picture!

  Shao Jie: (turning around to see the distance) do you mean her? (with fingers pointing ahead, Liu Xing followed the direction of less Jie fingers.

  9. lakeside daytime

  MS: lower his head is Yuxin beside the lake trail! Look up and see less Jay is smiling and looking at her! Liu Xing also looked at her in the back of Xiao Jie with a smile.


  MS: the service bar beside the station in the service bar before the little hero looked carefully at the above information! Yuxin also approached a look above information from the less Jie side walked sideways!

  Close up: in the library, little Jie is standing at the bookshelf, looking over the books. Yuxin is in the other side of the front shelf less Jie turned the book!

  Close range: the study room, little Jie reviewing my book away, Yuxin came in and sat less Jie just sitting on!

  Close range: computer room, Yuxin on the net in front of the computer, the camera shake to Yuxin front, little Jie is in front of the computer on a network!

  Middle school: Yuxin trail, from left to right away, little Jie go from right to left, two people pass by!

  Concluding remarks:

  The figure that passes by fills every picture and every inch of scenery on campus. It may represent the beginning of a story! Maybe it's the end of a story!

  In the campus landscape, we are quietly passing through our unique way, but are also quietly paying close attention to each other, becoming the scenery of each other. Comfort and alienation and loneliness.





在学校、在公司,需要表演节目的时候,我们都可以准备小品。抢红包是这几年常见的事情,以下瑞文小编分享的抢红包经典小品剧本,一起来学习吧!年会经典小品《后宫选妃》 | 经典小品《小人物大梦想》 | 公司年会经典三句半剧本1.老李家 晚老李:今天把你们叫来有事跟你们商量。老李儿子:爸,啥事吗?我那生意忙,


小品的基本要求是语言清晰,形态自然,能够充分理解和表现出各角色的性格特征和语言特征,最为代表的是喜剧小品。下面是简短又搞笑的三人小品剧本,为大家提供参考。婚变(小品)离婚案件模拟法庭剧本人物:金一根——男,70岁,花一朵的老公。 (金)花一朵——女,6


年会轻松乐一乐,搞笑小品少不了,下面是团队年会搞笑小品剧本,为大家提供参考。年会搞笑舞台剧剧本 | 年会三人搞笑小品剧本 | it公司年会小品剧本搞笑团队年会搞笑小品剧本1关键词:年会小品 剧本 穿越 搞笑 古装剧 穿越大混战分类:小品人数:5人道具:沙发、茶水、火车票、公交卡、切糕人物:佟掌柜,吕


在公司年会上,怎样的节目才能博得大家的喝彩呢?和程序员有关的小品其实也很搞笑,在年会举办之前。瑞文小编给大家整理的程序员年会小品剧本,欢迎参考阅读!年会搞笑小品《家有贤夫》 | 历史年会相声《甄嬛传》 | 公司年会幸福温馨的小品人物:程序猿,妞妞,布拉拉,晓星,老板,老程,老老程,新闻记者,旁白场景


导语:小品泛指较短的关于说和演的艺术。它的基本要求是语言清晰,形态自然,能够充分理解和表现出各角色的性格特征和语言特征,最为代表的是喜剧小品。以下是小编整理年会创意小品剧本,以供参考。幽默小品剧本《出人意料》 | 搞笑小品剧本《减肥记》 | 公司小品剧本《非你不保》年会创意小品剧本(一)一、人物:1
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