热门搜索: 诗歌 诗词 诗经


发布时间:2020-10-18   来源:诗歌    点击:   





  My vision is blocked by a high wall,

  My breath is covered with smoke,

  During the day I run through the crowd,

  I curled up on the sofa and couch at night.

  My god, I want to break free,

  To the trickle,

  To the quiet pavilions,

  Go with the mountains.

  To sing to the birds.

  I know my body and mind,

  Without your nourishment,

  I know my spring,

  Because of your comfort.

  I know & ndash; & ndash;

  You gave me too much.

  Watching you drift away from me,

  And I never stop asking for you.

  If you say nothing in silence,

  Your pain is too much to hide and silence.

  Such hurt, where the joy,

  I feel sorry for you,

  It is never too late to mend.

  Green mountains and green mountains,

  And the rivers are clear

  To make the air cleaner,

  And let the shadows dance,

  Let the grass and green birds sing,

  Let the homeland be beautiful and vibrant.

  We can enjoy a colorful life.

  Take care of the earth on which we live.


  When the bright white paper was born,

  Did you ever see

  The young and vigorous life fell.

  The lovely green fades the vivid color.

  The advent of electricity transformed the world.

  Enjoy the light, warmth, comfort, wealth … & hellip;

  Have you ever thought of

  Non-renewable energy is approaching the end of the crisis day by day.

  Clear and transparent water is the source of life.

  But there are still fools who ignore its preciousness.

  Waste or defile its beauty.

  & hellip; & hellip;

  The ceaseless plunder of nature has already provoked it.

  Greenhouse effect, acid rain, climate warming, extinction of life … & hellip;

  Can't you hear it in a shrill, repetitive warning?

  The earth is our common home.

  Let us love and protect our homeland together.

  Let's come together.

  Save every piece of paper,

  Save every kilowatt-hour of electricity,

  Save every drop of water.


  Look at lake haihe river,

  Dirty float, turbid soup.

  Water side stream, waste residue discharge.

  National policy Ming, up and down,

  The rule of the people, the ebb and flow.

  But they saw that they had dried the Yellow River.

  Polluted the Yangtze river.

  Heart hurt! Twenty years of water,

  Dongting miscellaneous color, huai river light.

  The songjiang police, the friendly neighborhood dispute began to panic.

  The senior officials resigned and the officials were terrified.

  The new law goes on and on.

  In the future, the environment will remain forever.

  Long veins long.


  The veins are connected to the green.

  Absorb the yellow dust.

  To purify the noxious gas.

  Release beneficial air ions.

  Green food

  It's physically and mentally unhurt.

  Like a light butterfly flying.

  The light body can glide slowly.

  Fly up blue sky and white clouds.

  Ask a

  Hello, alien friend.

  Let us fulfill the covenant of the soul.

  A green environment

  No black cruelty.

  There was no harm.

  Full of genuine love.

  Green mind

  Let us be like the wings of an angel.

  Flying between the green space.

  Message of truth.





秋天是大自然色调的真实展现,清新淡雅,果实成熟,金色的稻田。红色的枫叶,丰收的背后,体会到艰辛和汗水,使得这个季节更有韵味。  1、秋天走到郊外,碧蓝的天那么美,万里无云,几近凋零的树叶,舞着翩翩舞步,飘起金黄的丝带,沉醉在这秋色中,我微微的笑着……  2、庄稼地里,金黄的玉米像金棒槌一样齐刷刷一片


秋天是丰收的季节,带着生命的启示,让我们感悟生命的美好。以下是小编收集整理的秋天古诗,希望对您有所帮助。  秋天丰收的古诗  1、丰收(新韵)  夏风吹动谷连天,麦浪金波万里绵。  赢穗压弯三尺杆,黄芒布满埂棋间。  轰鸣机器忙收获,颗粒归仓粮囤圆。  华夏人民勤苦作,中华昌盛庆丰年。  2、丰收乐


老师是学海中指路的灯塔,老师是攀登中相掺的大手,老师还是成长中永远的守护。  1、  您教会我怎样做人,  我的血液里有你的心血在流淌!  老师,辛苦了  是谁——  把无知的我们领进宽敞的教室,  教给我们丰富的知识?  是您!老师!  您用辛勤的汗水,  哺育了春日刚破土的嫩苗。  是谁——


黑板报是以固定或移动的黑板作载体,用粉笔或广告颜料作书写绘画工具的普及性宣传阵地,具有容易擦洗、修改、更换的优点,是最经济、最方便、最常见的一种宣传,下面是小编整理的小学生尊敬师长黑板报,欢迎来参考!  尊敬师长  中华民族传统美德是我们中华民族几千年的历史、文化凝炼而成的社会道德准则,是中华民族几


诗词,是近体诗和格律词为代表的中国古代传统诗歌。亦是汉字文化圈的特色之一。以下是小编收集的诗词相关内容,欢迎查看!  1、知我者,谓我心忧,不知我者,谓我何求。(诗经王风黍离)  2、人而无仪,不死何为。 (诗经风相鼠)  3、言者无罪,闻者足戒。 (诗经大序)  4、他山之石,可以攻玉。 (诗经小
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