热门搜索: 诗歌 诗词 诗经

小学英语短剧简单剧本 小学英语短剧剧本

发布时间:2020-01-16   来源:童话    点击:   


  主持(男女):Good morning /afternoon , my friends.

  主持(男):What a nice day! We all get together ,boys , girls, teachers and our family menbers.

  主持(女):We like our families , our school , our hometown . And we love our motherland China .

  主持(男):Do you know Olympic Games ? 2008 , Bejing , Olympic Games.

  主持(男女):One World One Dream .

  主持(男):Today, we are having an interesting sports meeting.

  主持(女):Players , please . Let’s welcome them .

  主持(男):This is Red Apple Team.

  主持(女):This is Yellow Orange Team.

  R1: I’m Mei Li . I’m Chinese.

  Y1: I’m Jane Brow. I’m from the USA.

  R2: I’m Zhou Mu . I’m Chinese.

  Y2: I’m Tony White . I’m from the UK.

  R3: I’m Hu Zhou . I’m Chinese.

  Y3: I’m John Black . I’m from the Australia.

  R4: I’m Lu Qian . I’m Chinese.

  Y4: I’m Liu Zhizi . I’m from the Japan.

  R5: I’m Gu Lu .I’m Chinese.

  Y5: I’m Rose Green. I’m from the France.

  主持(男女):Welcome you again.

  主持(男):What do you want to say before the games, Red Apple Team?

  R: Red , red, you are the best!

  主持(女):What do you want to say before the games, Yellow Orange Team?

  Y: Yellow, yellow, you are the king!

  主持(男):Wow, so excited!

  主持(女):Now, the judgements of this interesting sports meeting are coming.

  主持(男):Welcome you , judgements .Let’s begin?

  Judgement: OK.

  R&Y: Red , red, you are the best!

  Yellow, yellow, you are the king!

  Judgement: First time, put the apple on your head.Then run to the desk touch it and run back .Are you ready?

  R&Y: Yes.

  Judgement: One , two , begin.

  R&Y: Come on! Come on! Come on!

  Red , red, you are the best!

  Yellow, yellow, you are the king!

  Come on! Come on! Come on!

  Red , red, you are the best!

  Yellow, yellow, you are the king!

  Judgement: The secend time , please lie on the floor and lift your left foot , then put the banana on your foot and up and down three times. Are you ready?

  R&Y: Yes.

  Judgement: One , two , begin.

  R&Y: Come on! Come on! Come on!

  Red , red, you are the best!

  Yellow, yellow, you are the king!

  Come on! Come on! Come on!

  Red , red, you are the best!

  Yellow, yellow, you are the king!

  Judgement: The third time, here are two eggs . Please put the egg on your finger , walk to the desk and around it then go back. Are you ready?

  R&Y: Yes.

  Judgement: One , two , begin.

  R&Y: Come on! Come on! Come on!

  Red , red, you are the best!

  Yellow, yellow, you are the king!

  Come on! Come on! Come on!

  Red , red, you are the best!

  Yellow, yellow, you are the king!

  Judgement: Two to one , Red Apple Team wins!

  Sing《We are ready》together.





想像有一个铺满落叶的枫树林,树木整齐地排列在幽静的道路两旁,树林的深处有一座淡雅的小木屋,那里承载着秋天的童话,没有剧情,没有主角,却有我心灵的静默在此绽放。这便是我的精神家园。  童话里有飘不尽的落叶,我最爱那在树顶不停翻飞而迟迟不肯落下的几片黄叶,它们随风而动,这样的自由自在,也许这就是世间最美


《七颗钻石》是19世纪俄国文学巨匠列夫·托尔斯泰写的一篇关心青少年教育问题的童话。以下是小编为大家精心推荐的七颗钻石这篇课文内容,欢迎阅读收藏,希望对您有所帮助。  七颗钻石  很久很久以前,在地球上发生过一次大旱灾:所有的河流和水井都干涸(hé)了,草木丛林也都干枯了,许多人及动物都焦渴而死。


雪花很白很白,白得那么纯洁,它们把大地变得也很纯洁很美丽。接下来小编搜集了描写雪的小段落,欢迎阅读查看,希望帮助到大家。  1、冬天好似一个童话般的世界,冬天的雪更是一个童话般的世界。冬天,天气冷了,雪好像明白了什么似的,立刻给世间万物盖上了一层雪白的,厚厚的棉被。松树穿着她的新大衣,在雪中舞蹈者;


导读:年轻的巨人的故事讲述了农夫儿子的个头还没有他的大拇指长,后来被一个巨人带走了,之后他长成高大巨人回家乡找父亲,可是家里的粮食根本不够养活他,于是他外出闯荡,这期间都发生哪些有趣的故事呢?  从前,有个农夫生了一个儿子,儿子的个头还没有他的大拇指长。许多年过去了,他这儿子一点儿也没有长大。一天,
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