热门搜索: 诗歌 诗词 诗经


发布时间:2021-04-11   来源:礼仪常识    点击:   










  Three hundred and sixty-five days a year. Today is the last day, that is, the Spring Festival. Everyone is immersed in the joyous sound. Every family put up couplets and set off firecrackers to celebrate this day.

  Today is new year's thirty, Yake Totokei reunion, my mom and dad ran from distant Nanjing and take the train, he rushed to the park, home, and great uncle, small uncle came home, the whole family happiness. Dinner, a reunion Eight Delicacies Rice, dad do grandma do boiled salted duck, braised fish in soy sauce, and I will rejoice in the small school activities round a table full of delicious food, we eat table delicacies from land and sea, with relish, and toast Grandpa grandma grandpa wish me good luck in everything, and a good brother and sister study, day day up. We had a happy Spring Festival in this joy of joy.

  The sound of firecrackers and speech go, red light bamboo spring, I grow old, in the new year, I want to study hard, with outstanding achievements to the motherland and the people to report to the parents to send a thick spring festival birthday.


  Home, help grandma couplets paste New Year paintings, and I had to help grandma Zecai, do some things. I have to say some blessings to my grandmother and grandpa, because I have always been a big one. After dinner, I and my brother and sister, sister in a small lantern play, this day, I still want to staying-up late on new year's eve. By the beginning of the year, my father and mother will take me and my brother to visit the new year and go shopping.

  At fifteen of the first month, we have to eat Lantern and go out to see the lantern. In a word, I will be happy, no matter how I spend the Spring Festival.





承蒙师教数十载,回报师恩千百年,老师成为有文化人的第一步,尊重人类灵魂的工程师。以下是小编收集整理的尊师重教黑板报,希望对您有所帮助。  中华民族素有“礼仪之邦”之称,中国2000多年前的古书《礼记》里记载:“天生时而地生时,人其父生而师教之。”社会是由人组成的,人的素质决定着社会文明和国家强盛,而
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