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发布时间:2021-07-06   来源:故事大全    点击:   



  There was a special naughty little earthworm who neither learned the skill of loose soil nor stayed at home。 He always put his head out of the soil, because he fell in love with a rose。

  "I like her。"!" The little worm said, "if only I could be with her every day!"!"

  Once, because of the temptation of this rose, the little earthworm crawled out of the soil and exposed it to the ground。 A small grass, surprised to see, said: "small earthworms, small earthworms, you have to quickly hide, or you will encounter dangerous。"。" The little earthworm didn't listen at all。 Instead, he said, "I'm not a coward。 Who do you scare?"。" After that, she climbed to her favorite roses and showed her。 "Pretty roses, I've been in love with you since the first day I saw you。 Please accept my love。"!" Said the little earthworm。 It was a surprise for rose, but she was the kind of vain girl who said, "you're a brave boy。 I think I'll love you。"!" Although the rose said so, but she will not really love the small earthworm, who knows?! From then on, they are fed up with each other, and they look very affectionate。

  This thing makes earthworm mother know, he is very concerned about the small earthworm said: "my child, we must live earthworms in soil is safe, if you go to the ground, everywhere is dangerous, as you love roses, I have no objection, but if you love him, you should give her a day loosen the soil, make her life more healthy and beautiful!" Small earthworms do not listen to her mother's words, it said: "the outside world more fun, why do we have to stay in the dark soil inside the strenuous physical activity? I love roses, so I should be with her every day, not her loneliness。" "You will be punished if you don't listen to me。"。" Mum says。

  The disappointed earthworm mother had to look for roses。 She saw the rose said: "beautiful girl, I heard you and my son fell in love, but you know, we are very dangerous earthworms on the ground, you and your son advised him to stay。" "I only know how to give my beauty to those I love, but I have never thought of anything else。"。" The roses say coldly。 Mother earthworm had to leave sadly。

  The disobedient little earthworm still plays with his lover every day。 He has forgotten the danger because he has not been in any danger ever since。 But a bad day has come。 This time, when he had just climbed out of the soil, a large grey duck and swallow it in the stomach。 Earthworm mother cried very sad, but roses, like nothing, with a bumblebee game。 If the small earthworms in the stomach is not big grey duck died, he must also understand what is not, but he knew a little late?











夜深人静总会在心底浮起很多内心的情感想法,爱情像衣服虽然很多,但适合的只有一件,不过睡前感人爱情故事就不止了。给女朋友讲的睡前故事分享给大家,欢迎阅读~睡前故事文字版哄女友睡前小故事成人睡前故事大全文字  睡前情感故事篇一:鹦鹉妻子  我的新家是一幢临街的单元房,位居七楼。我的邻居是一对老夫妻,因为


秋天的夜晚,墨黑的天空总有些繁星点缀,天空中明亮的勺子般的北斗七星。描写秋天景色段落分享给大家!  1、金秋十月,树上那稀稀拉拉的叶子,干得像旱烟叶一样。大地妈妈敞开宽阔的胸怀像是在迎接拥抱归来的孩子,落叶回到大地妈妈的怀里,甜蜜地跟泥土睡在一起。  2、风从树叶边飘来,轻柔爽朗,悄悄地抚过人的脸庞




名字是死的,因为固定死的文字是没有生命的。配上人的声音,却能温暖人心。  1、重拾起时,生命温暖如昔。  2、路都是人走出来的,人都是被逼出来的。  3、你是我想躲,又想遇见的人。  4、如果梦醒时还在一起,请容许我们相依为命。  5、宁可让自己后悔,也别给自己留下遗憾。  6、是否紧闭眼眶,眼角的


女朋友要你讲故事哄她睡觉,很多男性就困扰了,要讲什么故事给女朋友听呢?哄女朋友的睡前小故事有哪些呢?大家是否知道呢?下面一起来看看!女友睡前故事小故事仙女思凡睡前故事讲给女朋友听  1、狗熊溜冰  冬天到了,西北风呼呼的吹着,一阵阵寒流袭来。小河里的水都结冰了,像一面闪闪发亮的镜子。  早上,小熊刚
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