热门搜索: 诗歌 诗词 诗经


发布时间:2020-03-11   来源:剧本    点击:   


  BOSSY: Whiskey! Give me whiskey!

  DAISY: No more whiskey. You’ve drunk too much. Now go to bed to have a rest.

  BOSSY: Just wine is enough… OK! If you don’t take it, I’ll get it myself!

  DAISY: No way! You mustn’t do that.

  BOSSY: You old witch!

  DAISY (cry):Help!

  NOISY: Shall we go to the park?

  LAZY: Good idea!

  CRAZY: That sounds really good. But you see, we are not sure if your father will let us go out, so you’d better ask him first.

  LAZY: Yes, you’re right. Let’s go to ask him.

  LAZY: Daddy?


  LAZY: You look so handsome today…

  LAZY: …and very kind. And I think if you let us go to the park. You’ll be the best father in the world.

  BOSSY: Really? OK. Go ahead.

  DAISY: Stop!…Both of you can go, no problem, but Noisy must stay here.

  NOISY: Well. I just want to go with them and then do my housework.

  DAISY: Yes, you mustn’t go anywhere until all the work is finishes.

  LAZY: But I want her to go with me! You see, if I go there without her, then I won’t enjoy myself!

  CRAZY: Why? That sounds really strange! You said you cannot leave her, why is that? She is only a maid!

  LAZY: Shut up! You don’t understand at all. She is, she is my GF!

  CRAZY: What! I…

  BOSSY: You are only ten! How can you have two GF? Yes, when you declared that Crazy is yours, I have no attitude—— That is because her family is a rich one——

  DAISY: Then we saw you buy chocolate for her, take her to the cinema.

  BOSSY: And I’ve already fed up.You had been fired. This is the wage for today, now go to take your package and go away.

  NOISY:……Peacock flies to southeast. And there is a wander once five miles.

  LAZY: You cannot do that Dad! You cannot…

  CRAZY: Shut up!

  BOSSY: Go, can’t you hear? Go to the devil!

  LAZY: OK, Dad, if you determined to drive Noisy away, I’ll go with her.Don’t be afraid. Let’s go together.

  DAISY:Oh dear, what shall we do then?

  BOSSY: Whiskey! Give me whiskey!





在学校、在公司,需要表演节目的时候,我们都可以准备小品。抢红包是这几年常见的事情,以下瑞文小编分享的抢红包经典小品剧本,一起来学习吧!年会经典小品《后宫选妃》 | 经典小品《小人物大梦想》 | 公司年会经典三句半剧本1.老李家 晚老李:今天把你们叫来有事跟你们商量。老李儿子:爸,啥事吗?我那生意忙,


小品的基本要求是语言清晰,形态自然,能够充分理解和表现出各角色的性格特征和语言特征,最为代表的是喜剧小品。下面是简短又搞笑的三人小品剧本,为大家提供参考。婚变(小品)离婚案件模拟法庭剧本人物:金一根——男,70岁,花一朵的老公。 (金)花一朵——女,6


年会轻松乐一乐,搞笑小品少不了,下面是团队年会搞笑小品剧本,为大家提供参考。年会搞笑舞台剧剧本 | 年会三人搞笑小品剧本 | it公司年会小品剧本搞笑团队年会搞笑小品剧本1关键词:年会小品 剧本 穿越 搞笑 古装剧 穿越大混战分类:小品人数:5人道具:沙发、茶水、火车票、公交卡、切糕人物:佟掌柜,吕


在公司年会上,怎样的节目才能博得大家的喝彩呢?和程序员有关的小品其实也很搞笑,在年会举办之前。瑞文小编给大家整理的程序员年会小品剧本,欢迎参考阅读!年会搞笑小品《家有贤夫》 | 历史年会相声《甄嬛传》 | 公司年会幸福温馨的小品人物:程序猿,妞妞,布拉拉,晓星,老板,老程,老老程,新闻记者,旁白场景


导语:小品泛指较短的关于说和演的艺术。它的基本要求是语言清晰,形态自然,能够充分理解和表现出各角色的性格特征和语言特征,最为代表的是喜剧小品。以下是小编整理年会创意小品剧本,以供参考。幽默小品剧本《出人意料》 | 搞笑小品剧本《减肥记》 | 公司小品剧本《非你不保》年会创意小品剧本(一)一、人物:1
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